breaky spacey techno tracks
The potential benefits of Barnaerobics are meant to enhance aerobic fit-ness performance for raver squad through audio nurturing.
Rave sport players are suspected to spend the majority of their time involved in high powered audio activity. To this stimulation Barnaerobics prescribes diverse involuntary movement. For this reason we have put together 3 of our favourite couches from different international teams around the globe.
in side A we have DJ KARAWAI
Side A: Made for doing active night drive sports such as dancing, suitable to ski in indoor & outdoors locations. Side A's Light Northern Sport touches the spots in your Core where electro meets health and daydream meets happiness.
for the side B we got dears: MOODRICH & SKETCHY
Side B: Favourite of all spinning trainers in North America, the side B of Barnaerobics is the ideal springboard to high-risk high-reward sports such getting a GF, BF, rafting, puenting etc
join the trance as soft juke sounds lift your body into high intensity training sessions to inspire vigorous sets of sexuality!