REda daRE
BienAimer Music / BAM005
12 Inch
Inc. Oden & Fatzo Remix
Sales Information:
If you have been to a BienAimer party you will recognise the different shades of primo electro music present in this the fifth label outing. Taking care of business for the hot stepping London-based imprint is Parisian artist REda daRE. The 'Rabzouz' EP from the Frenchman encapsulates the party and label ethos perfectly and from the acid flecked peak time grooves of title track 'Rabzouz' you get some semblance of the vibe at their ridiculous parties. Inserting their smile inducing flavour on the title track is current hot property and fellow Frenchmen Oden & Fatzo. The party continues in earnest on the flipside, and the upbeat 303 action contained in 'Nikemouk' keeps the bombs dropping at a steady rate. Rounding out yet another standout release from BienAimer Music is the detuned depth charge ''Braindance'.[info sheet from distr.]