Eine Drei-Track-EP von Ground, einem in Osaka, Japan, ansässigen DJ und Produzenten. Inspiriert von den alten Geschichten aus Süd-Osaka, ist die EP voll von verworrenem, säurehaltigem House, klappriger Percussion, psychedelischen Overdubs und lächerlich fetten Bässen. Tuckernde Synthesizer und matschige Bassnoten bilden einen hellen, mäandernden Groove.
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A three track EP by Ground, a DJ and producer based in Osaka, Japan.
He has released his debut album on ESP institute and other works on Jin, Multi Culti, SVS, Bokeh Version and his own label Chillmountain Rec.
Ozunu is a three-track single cut, including the title track, from an album released digitally on Chillmountain Rec last year in 2021.
Inspired by the old tales of South Osaka, the EP is full of twisty, acidic house, rickety percussion, psychedelic overdubs, and ridiculously fat bass. Chugging synthesizers and squidgy bass notes form a bright, meandering groove.