Oren Ambarchi
Drag City / 05231691
12 Inch
Oren Ambarchi is a composer and multi-instrumentalist who has long been interested in transcending conventional instrumental approaches. His work focuses mainly on exploring the guitar, "taking the instrument into a zone of alien abstraction where it is no longer readily identifiable as such. Instead, it is a laboratory for extended sonic investigations". The album is titled Shebang and is said to be an extension of past "rhythmic long-form workouts" found on Ambarchi"s 2014 album Quixotism and 2016"s Hubris. Like those albums, Shebang features contributions from a number of guest artists, including Konrad Sprenger, Jim O"Rourke, Julia Reidy and Chris Abrahams. It follows Ambarchi"s collaborative album with Johan Berthling and Andreas Werliin, Ghosted, which was released by Drag City in April and was recently one of tQ"s favourite albums of the year.[info sheet from distr.]