Aroy Dee & Spaventi feat. J.C.
Bordello A Parigi / BAP168
12 Inch
Eine Geschichte von Liebeskummer, der Track nimmt den Herzschmerz der Wave-Romantik auf und kontrastiert ihn mit klaren musikalischen Linien.
Sales Information:
Bordello A Parigi's latest release brings together two heavyweights for something particularly special. Aroy Dee, founder of M>O>S Recordings, has been at the coalface of machine music for more than twenty years; Marco Antonio Spaventi, an exceptional composer with over a decade's experience. The pair offered the tear-stained vocoder ballad of "Desire" two years back, now they return for "Sorrow." Crisp rhythms and considered synth scales form the bedrock from which J.C.'s emotion wrung lyrics ensnare. A tale of lovelorn pain, a psychological journey of lamentations and mistakes, the track adopts the heartache of wave romance and contrasts it with clean musical lines. The "Space Dub" of the flip transforms those powerful lyrics to give space for brightness to enter. Cascading chords and sunlight break through as arpeggio quivers introduce vocoder vocals in this superb re-interpretation that balances warmth with frigid shades.[info sheet from distr.]