The Return of The Nightstalker , ein Projekt der Childhood Intelligence, geschrieben/produziert von Dan Piu & Gary Rich (2022). Das zweite Album -Genetic Constitution- ist die Fortsetzung von -The Tragedies Of A High-Tech World- (2020), auf dem der Nightstalker weiterhin seine mystisch-dystopischen elektronischen Prophezeiungen manifestiert. Voller geisterhafter Melodien, cineastischer Kompositionen und Passagen der Hoffnung und Verzweiflung.
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The Return of 'The Nightstalker', a Childhood Intelligence endeavor written/produced by Dan Piu & Gary Rich (2022). The second album «Genetic Constitution» is the sequel of «The Tragedies Of A High-Tech World» (2020), in which the Nightstalker continues to manifest its mystic dystopian electronic prophecies. Full of haunted melodies, cinematic compositions and passages of hope and despair.
«In a damned world
dystopian and mad
we create our own sound
of the positive apocalypse
with bizarre characters
we feel connected
with the outsiders,
strangers and forgotten
in the darkest hour
the crazy sounds arise
standing on the edge
a delight for the senses
when all are gone
we have stayed
in the endless desert
good and evil at the same time
for us it is true
always to nail down
when everyone can have it
we do not want it»