Donna Allen
High Fashion Music / MS 518
12 Inch
Donna Allens frecher Gesang (bekannt geworden durch Strikes -U Sure Do- in den 90ern) zusammen mit ein paar erhebenden Streichern weist dir den Weg zum Dancefloor Himmel.
Sales Information:
Michael Gray pulls in one of his best remixes to date on Donna Allen's – Serious. Totally new set-up bringing you percussive, discofied house with one of the funkiest baselines of all time!
Donna Allen's sassy vocals (Made famous by Strike's "U Sure Do" in the 90s) along with some serious uplifting strings shows you the way to dancefloor heaven.
Wayne Soul Avengerz opts for a more contemporary feel with a heavier bass line, drum fills and brass stabs.[info sheet from distr.]