OST / Various
Interscope / 4828824
8 Mile – Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture (Expanded Edition) the soundtrack to Eminem’s semi-autobiographical legendary film of the same name was released 20 years ago (on 10/28) and spawned one of the biggest hits of his career, Lose Yourself, which has been certified 13x Diamond. 8 Mile is also famous for launching 50 Cent’s musical career with his first hit “Wanksta.” This new expanded edition features all of the songs from the album in an instrumental format alongside the demo version of “Lose Yourself.”[info sheet from distr.]
Das Album “8 Mile - Music From And Inspired By The Motion Picture“, der Soundtrack zu Eminems halb-autobiografischem, legendärem Film, erscheint anlässlich des 20-jährigen Jubiläum erstmalig als Expanded Edition. Mit der Single „Lose Yourself“ hat Eminem einen der größten Hits seiner Karriere gelandet. Das Bonusmaterial der Expanded Version enthält alle Songs des Albums in einem Instrumentalformat sowie die Demoversion von "Lose Yourself". Das Album ist nun als 4LP erhältlich.[info sheet from distr.]