Sorenious Bonk
Young Ethics / YEM008
12 Inch
Electro / House from Denmark
The seventh release on DJ Seinfeld’s Young Ethics imprint, sees Danish electronic music producer and multi-instrumentalist Sorenious Bonk, put forward an enrapturing LP of electronica and techno.
Originally classically trained in guitar and piano, Soren spent many years working to a strict regime, until he shifted into the electronic sphere and unlocked a new appreciation and direction with sound. He cut his teeth in the world of musical composition for film and television, notably contributing to the soundtrack of hit Netflix series “Sex Education” and has now turned his attention to a more electronically focussed output.
Touching on elements of ambient, electronica, indie-dance and techno, Soren shows an adept range throughout the LP, approaching electronic music from a new stand point and delivering a unique listening experience.
Young Ethic’s are pleased to present Sorenious Bonk’s debut LP.[info sheet from distr.]