Martin Matiske
Bordello A Parigi / BAP183
12 Inch
Martin Matiske kehrt mit einem Stück, das vor über einem Jahrzehnt zum ersten Mal erschien zurück.
Sales Information:
Following on from Melodic Motion, Martin Matiske returns to Bordello A Parigi with a track that first appeared over a decade ago. Released on his first album on Stilleben, "Dimension Phantasy" has been dusted down and given a new lease of life. This extended version bubbles with the same energy as the original. Steady kicks give way to scaling chords as a racing piece of future gazing brilliance takes hold. Melodies are addictive, yet cold, with a common ground between disco and electro being forged. Sharing the 12" real estate are two good friends, each offering their own remix. Captain Mustache is a musician who can turn his hand to any style. Here the French producer remains true to the Matiske's version, adding layers of warmth while maintaining the Springtime coolness of beats and harmonies. The flip is given over to Play Paul, a trailblazing figure in electronics. BPMs are reduced as sweetened lines take flight in the "Oh Lord! Remix". Arpeggiators rumble before bold keys and heartfelt vocals enter in this emotive reinterpretation. The finale strips back lyrics to focus on those succulent synthesizer sounds. A celebration of past, present and future on one very special release.[info sheet from distr.]