Auf der Grounded EP von Adam Pit erkundet der Space-Lab-Liebling tiefere, techno-inspirierte Gefilde.
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Adam Pit's Grounded EP sees the space•lab favourite exploring deeper, techno-inspired terrains. Opening track, 'Schtoopbloop' traces mystical synth lines and expansive vocals, underpinned by a satisfyingly substantial, driving baseline. Track two, 'Tiptoe', enters Pits' iconic breaksy palette - equal parts dreamy and slick, this is the wipeout soundtrack for the next century. On the flipside, Konduku dips his toe into remix duties, offering up a shimmering, spiralling rework of the original. Finally, closing up the release, title track 'Grounded' growls into view, rising from sub-heavy foundations into dubby, treacle-speed sounds.