Stone Pixels / SPR00005
12 Inch LP
Junee (Fhunyue Gao and Zoé Sjollema) is an encounter between a violin, a theremin, two voices and two synthesizers. An intimate investigation into the formation of the duo, which mirrors the take-off into imaginary worlds, sometimes obscure, sometimes celestial.
Junee (Fhunyue Gao and Zoé Sjollema) is an encounter between a violin, a theremin, two voices and two synthesizers. An intimate investigation into the formation of the duo, which mirrors the take-off into imaginary worlds, sometimes obscure, sometimes celestial. The point of friction between experimental and pop opens up in-between worlds of melodious stories, non-places and sonic squeaks. After several successful concert tours since 2021, the duo were keen to work on a first musical release bearing the name Océan Oublié / Assordante and containing seven songs of different lengths and stylistic colors for a total duration of 30-35 minutes. The album was recorded in Geneva by Augustin Sjollema and was developed on the compositional foundations already acquired, during residencies at SMEM (Swiss Museum Of Electronic Music) and « Südpol Theater Luzern » and will be released provisionally in spring 2024, on the Geneva-based label Stone Pixels Records.
Océan Oublié / Assordante will represent the first official release of the Junee musical project. The two-part title evokes the very source of the duo's thinking around the concept of duo. A project with two names, an interstice between two universes, a two-sided album: on one hand, Océan Oublié tends towards melancholic pop, and on the other, Assordante is more experimental and theatrical approach to the « JUNEE » Sound.[info sheet from distr.]