Nennen wir es nackten, leichtfüßigen, häuslichen Pop. Nackt im Sinne von nicht zu viel Produktion. Leichtfüßig-, weil es sich so anfühlt. Häuslich“ im Sinne von John Lennon, Watching the Wheels, und im Sinne von Zuhause und Leben. Pop-, weil es das ist, weil es für jeden ist. Es geht um Reisen, Sehnsucht, Suchen, Finden - Liebe.
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Unisong is like a second chapter in Bergur's troubadour/trobairitz research (after Around the Songster's Commune, 2022) and an exploration into/practicing of Bergur's own poetic and melodic ability. It's a beautiful experiment in unifying and synthesizing something of a conceptual nature with something autobiographical. Let's call it bare, easy-feeling, domestic pop. 'Bare' naked -- and as in not-too-much-production. 'Easy-feeling' because that's how it feels. 'Domestic' a la John Lennon, Watching the Wheels, and as in home and living a life. 'Pop' because it is; because it's for everyone. It's about travelling, longing, searching, finding -- love.