Auf der A Seite befinden sich die ekstatische Ohrwurm-Hymne Afterlove und der ernsthafte Stimmungsmacher Noclimb. Die B Seite beginnt mit Happyfunny, einem Stück, das seinem Namen alle Ehre macht.
Sales Information:
Once upon a beautiful summer, a joyful synthesizer nerd named Nativo went on a Parkour expedition from the streets of Rome to the South of France. On his arrival, he stumbled across three Reptilians sunbathing, and from their encounter was born the EP you are about to buy.
The A-side showcases the ecstatic earworm anthem Afterlove and the serious moody roller Noclimb. The B-side kicks off with Happyfunny, a track that lives up to its name, and concludes with the quirky lullaby Saz. To sum it up: nrv fraté, ciao ragazzi.