Baraka / BRK003
12 Inch
Baraka kehrt mit einer frischen, rockigen EP namens Psycho zurück. Sechs neue Songs, die Big Beat, Drum n Bass und Trance mit einem Hauch von Wahnsinn verbinden. Ein kraftvolles Stück, geformt für die Live-Performance mit einer namenlosen Energie von Anfang bis Ende.
Sales Information:
Baraka returns with a fresh Rock infused EP named Psycho. Six new songs blending big beat, drum'n bass and trance with their touch of madness. A powerful piece shaped for the live with a nameless energy from start to finish. Psycho dives the duo into a new sonic and visual universe in which they reveal their alter egos. A more sharpened and distorted sound that would transform a concert hall into a dance floor or build up a club's energy to the level of a punk show. The first single going by the same name is supported by a bonus digital remix from acclaimed dj and producer Roza Terenzi. A way for the duo to push the boundaries of their music and give it a real club aspect, trademark of the band.[info sheet from distr.]