Zur Feier ihres 60. Releases präsentieren Analogical Force stolz Sixty, eine lange Compilation (3x12 INCH - 17 Tracks), die den Weg des Labels von seinen Anfängen bis zu seiner aktuellen, innovativen Form beschreibt.
Sales Information:
To celebrate their landmark 60th release, Analogical Force proudly present "Sixty", a lengthy compilation (3x12" - 17 tracks) that chronicles the label's journey from its inception to its current cutting edge form. Featuring new unreleased tracks from regular collaborators alongside exciting up-and-coming artists, plus some gems rescued from the past and remastered for the occasion. This release is a sonic time capsule and a forward-looking statement that serves as both a reflection of AF's past and a bold vision for the future. A must have for AF heads or virtually anyone into forward thinking music.