ursprünglich wurde das album 1990 unter dem namen repulsion mit dem titel none more negative veröffentlicht, doch schon bald änderte die band ihren namen in type o negative, bevor sie im folgenden jahr ihr debütalbum slow, deep & hard neu auflegte. viel schwerer und rauer als ihr späteres, an goth-rock angelehntes material, weisen die hier gezeigten langen stücke zahlreiche bände oder einträge auf, die zwischen fast crossover-thrash-hardcore-elementen und einer primitiveren form von industrial-metal schwanken, alles unter der ohnehin schon unvergleichlichen haltung von frontmann peter steele gebändigt.
with this album, paragon looks back to the band s good old days and presents an album that is more melodic and versatile than its predecessors, without losing any of its heaviness. you can look forward to catchy melodies, double bass galore, killer riffs and screaming guitars.
with this album, paragon looks back to the band s good old days and presents an album that is more melodic and versatile than its predecessors, without losing any of its heaviness. you can look forward to catchy melodies, double bass galore, killer riffs and screaming guitars.
with this album, paragon looks back to the band s good old days and presents an album that is more melodic and versatile than its predecessors, without losing any of its heaviness. you can look forward to catchy melodies, double bass galore, killer riffs and screaming guitars.
throughout their lifetime and a handful of releases, the trio have carefully fostered and perfected a style of music that is technical and beautiful but doesn’t shy away from any avant-garde, noisy, or punishing moments.