Raster Noton

Vinyl Releases

12 Inch 22.09.14
masaaki takes his musical cue from natural phenomenon and laws of nature by trying to reconstruct them.
Raster Noton
Last Copy!
9.82 EUR *
2x12 Inch 08.05.20
limited double vinyl edition including a handmade and signed silkscreen print

also available as:
CD (EUR 16.56)
out of stock
35.22 EUR *
12 Inch 12.01.18
special vinyl edition limited to 300 copies, gold-embossed sleeve, laser engraving on side b
winter, or a time which represents that season, in a metropole that appears to be moscow. the visitor is taking metro no. 6 at leninsky prospect as he is on his way to the ballroom close to gorky park. the air is icy, the sky is grey. a cat, previously hidden among the dirty snow, is crossing his way. the closer he gets to his destination, the clearer he can hear music, music that reminds him of future days. the dimly lit room is only sparsely filled. on stage a graceful singer, capturing the room with her presence. captive voices merge with chords played on yet unknown instruments machine rhythms cycle in 3/4 time. the vigorous peasant dancers, following an instinctive knowledge of the weight of fall, utilize their surplus energy to press all their strength into the proper beat of the measure, thus intensifying their personal enjoyment in dancing. here, in the transhuman ballroom, time stands still and values are being dissolved by numeric progressions. spiritually allied, the visitor, the singer and the peasant dancers short-circuit the present moment while the last falling snow slowly turns into rain. with walzerzyklus, atomtm returns to raster to complete his series that has once begun with liedgut and continued with winterreise. the 7 tracks, created in collaboration with russian singer lisokot, are subdivided into 3 pieces of 2 minutes each and 4 pieces of 3 minutes each, intentionally reflecting the 3/4 time of a classic waltz. throughout the release, lisokot’s delicate vocals are put into different relations to atomtms rather cool machine music, either complementing or contrasting each other. in the same line, the 3 shorter leitmotifs provide the main theme that is taken up repeatedly in the course of the release.

also available as:
CD (EUR 15.59)
out of stock
25.80 EUR *
12 Inch 13.01.17
dedicated to promote young and evolving artists and to present musical diamonds in the rough, raster-noton is curating the unun series which name refers to the chemical elements 111-119. »unalloyed, unlicensed, all night!« is jesse osborne-lanthier’s first release on raster-noton, and the ninth and final release of this series.
Raster Noton
out of stock
14.98 EUR *
3X12 Inch 07.10.16
as a central point of reference of grischa lichtenbergers la demeure/il y a pe&#769,,,ril en la demeure complex, raster-noton releases a limited edition of three 12inch vinyl eps that are accompanied by a handmade, signed and individualized screen print. the three eps were set up as an experiment. each of the records is guided by a word that could be described as a phantasmagoria, a delusion of the 20th century – like a metaphor that is concerned not only with its immediate meaning, but with an implication more emotional, more irrational, telling something about the mindset of the not so distant past.
Raster Noton
out of stock
27.84 EUR *
12 Inch 25.03.16
cranky, glitchy digital funk on raster noton.
R-N 170
Raster Noton
out of stock
14.74 EUR *
12 Inch 20.11.15
new kangding ray album. great follow-up to -solens arc-
R-N 167-2
Raster Noton
out of stock
16.38 EUR *
12 Inch 17.11.15
and the true secret of their value is the sobriety, the austerity, of the living space they inhabit. it means that they do not simply occupy, visibly, the space they belong in, but have the scope to perform a variety of unforeseen functions which enables them constantly to surprise us anew. this is what makes them precious and elevates them above the level of a common object.« walter benjamin, spain 1932 grischa lichtenbergers new release »spielraum« is the first of three vinyl eps to thematically accompany the 2-part album »la demeure, il y a péril en la demeure«. on »spielraum«, lichtenberger presents the elements introduced on the preceding album in a different context, but without defining them too precisely and breaking them down to only one dimension.
R-N 168
Raster Noton
out of stock
9.41 EUR *
12 Inch 27.07.15
atom tms ep riding the void is, together with the visual works of hd+, the conclusion of his critical yet
R-N 160
Raster Noton
out of stock
9.41 EUR *
2x12 Inch 29.06.15
after a break of 5 years, alva noto continues his xerrox series with »xerrox vol. 3«, entitled »towards space«, a journey that started with »xerrox vol. 1«, referring to the »old world«, and »xerrox vol. 2«, heading »to the new world«.
R-N 159-2
Raster Noton

also available as:
Vinyl (EUR 20.19)
out of stock
14.74 EUR *
12 Inch 08.06.15
*sleepstep* is the first collaboration between raster-noton and artist dasha rush. the records subtitle *sonar poems for my sleepless friends* describes its underlying concept – *sleepstep* is a trip through electronically alienated micro-compositions and sound collages that, interwoven with text passages, aim at creating a dream-like atmosphere.
R-N 158-2
Raster Noton

also available as:
CD (EUR 15.59)
out of stock
14.74 EUR *
12 Inch 23.03.15
on their first ep released as a duo, they present three rather unconventional and diverse tracks.
Raster Noton
out of stock
10.08 EUR *
12 Inch LP 28.10.13
after successful ep collapsed (r-n116) the bristol based project strikes back with a full length album on raster-noton. once more james ginzburg & paul purgas challenge the perceptual boundaries between noise and music and the potential for both technology and architecture to embed and codify themselves within sound
R-N 151 - 2
Raster Noton

also available as:
out of stock
13.10 EUR *
RV8 (LP)
12 Inch 10.06.13
with rv8, the osaka-based producer and musician aoki takamasa continues his long- term project that focuses on the modulation of rhythms and grooves. (incl. a digital download coupon for 3 bonus tracks)
Raster Vyr 148
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13.92 EUR *
12 Inch 17.12.12
the tale of the mythic pentaki mountain has been engraved on a two-sided circular piece of wax. the north face of the peak is steep, abrasive, and has been the subject of many legends in the region. it is said that whoever would manage to climb it would find a plateau, leading to a place called >the single source of truth<.
Raster VYR 145
Raster Noton
out of stock
10.48 EUR *
12 Inch 08.10.12
ununhexium (r-n 116) is the sixth release of raster-noton unun series. emptyset is a bristol based project formed in 2005 by james ginzburg, di- rector of the multiverse studios and the curator and electronic artist paul pur- gas. the project explores the legacy of analogue media, integrating aspects of rhythm, signal processing and spatial recording within the framework of mini- malist composition. their work interrogates the perceptual boundaries between noise and music and the potential for both technology and architecture to em- bed and codify themselves within sound. collapsed is emptysets first release on raster-noton and investigates the threshold where sonic structure is destabilized to the point where a chaotic order emerges out of a resistance to fragmentation and likewise explores the potential contained within this liminal space of transition. across the four tracks of the release a structural grammar is defined and then pushed to excess to the point where it reforms from repetitive and stable frameworks into non-grid based forms and ultimately chaotic rule sets.
Raster VYR 116
Raster Noton
out of stock
9.82 EUR *
12 Inch 25.06.12
vladislav delays ep >espoo< features two new conceptual, rhythm-intense tracks. whereas the groove of the opener >olari< derives from a sound loop which is manipulated by filters and echoes and finally brings forth the intensifying beat, the reverse is done with >kolari< on the b-side. starting from an impulsive, staccato beat, a sound carpet is woven by means of modifiers which gradually shape a permanent vacation-like melody, close to terry rileys minimalistic concepts. both tracks share a linear increase in density, and because of their break with the common four-four time, they create a certain folkloric atmosphere. like with >vantaa<, the experienced music producer vladislav delay continues his search for dance-floor compatible, yet unique and fresh music.
Raster VYR 141
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9.82 EUR *
12 Inch 21.05.12
with >dazed<, senking continues his exploration of the abysses of sound to create dark and gloomy atmospheres. the slow beats of the two tracks are accompanied by tender, harmonic melodies, but broken by nervous, unsteady tones which seem to be a warning against hidden dangers. the first track >the dance hall walk< also features a vocal sample by micheal cramm - a text which reflects the nervousness and excitement in anticipation of some thrilling things to come. like >tweek<, senkings last ep, >dazed< is not only concerned with the depths of sound, but also with the depths of the human psyche, where there is no escape other than music itself.
Raster VYR 142
out of stock
9.82 EUR *
12 Inch 13.02.12
kyoka - first solo female on the raster-noton roster works as a musician / composer in berlin and tokyo. she has been releasing music since 2008 and is known for her chaotic, direct approach and heavy-rough sound resulting in a broken pop-beat with experimental yet danceable rhythms. ish means around, like or about and reflects her way to be clear by being vague - brightness wrapped in a blanket of obscurity and abstractness. the ep was produced by longtime friend frank bretschneider, a remix was delivered by atomtm to tune the first track hadue for the dancefloor. ryuichi sakamoto underlines the exceptional talent of kyoka: >panic! it sounds like a toy box turned up side down. how can she make such pretty & chaotic sounds!? i love it!<
raster vyr 115
Raster Noton
out of stock
10.64 EUR *

Releases on CD / DVD

DVD 22.06.15
nice price deal !!! hd+ is a data dvd, documenting uwe schmidt s aka atomtm s visual aesthetics for the first time. the conceptual engagement with and the critical yet diverting examination of pop music that s always delivered with a twinkle in the eye is a central topic of the musician s diverse creative work and cer- tainly included in this visual presentation of it. together with the second remix ep riding the void to be released this summer, hd+ marks the provisional completion of atomtm s hd cycle
R-N 155
Raster Noton
in stock
3.44 EUR *
17.19 EUR
80% Discount
CD 17.03.17
die publikation -source book 1- reprŠsentiert den beginn einer umfassenden aufarbeitung der vergangenen 20 jahre des raster noton labels. einer kurzen einfŸhrung von olaf bender folgt ein von max dax gefŸhrtes interview und ein einblick in die philosophie der labelmacher. der hauptteil des ersten -source book- enthŠlt den umfassenden katalog aller releases die zwischen 1996 und 2016 veršffentlicht wurden. ein weiterer teil der publikation ist die beiligende -archiv 4- cd die nur mit dem buch erhŠltlich ist. sie beinhaltet stŸcke von alva noto, emptyset, kangding ray, atom tm, byetone, frank bretschneider und weiteren kŸnstlern. das modulare konzept des buches erlaubt es seiten zu entfernen, auszutauschen oder hinzuzufŸgen was eine aktualisierung des inhalts zu gegebener zeit mšglich macht. das buch ist limitiert auf 1.000 stŸck kommt in einem kartonschuber, ist 400 seiten dick und wiegt 3 kilogramm
out of stock
70.44 EUR *
CD + BOOK 05.12.16
der visuelle gas aspekt auf 60 seiten und 5 unveršffentlichte gas stŸcke von 1989 - 1998 auf cd
r-n 102
Raster Noton
Der Wald
Das Moor
November 89
Nah und Fern
Tal 90 (version
out of stock
27.84 EUR *
CD 25.09.15
closing ice is dedicated to senkings distinctively bass-heavy tracks and atmospheric compositions.
R-N 166 CD
Raster Noton
out of stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 25.09.15
closing ice is dedicated to senkings distinctively bass-heavy tracks and atmospheric compositions.
R-N 169 CD
Raster Noton
out of stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 09.03.15
sleepstep is the first collaboration between raster-noton and russian artist dasha rush. the record s subtitle sonar poems for my sleepless friends describes its underlying concept Ð sleepstep is a trip through electronically alienated loops and sound collages that, interwoven with text passages, aim at creating a dream-like atmosphere.
R-N 158 CD
Raster Noton

also available as:
Vinyl (EUR 17.54)
out of stock
13.10 EUR *
CD 05.05.14
presenting a stylistically broader spectrum of kyokaÔs music
R-N 153 CD
Raster Noton
out of stock
13.10 EUR *
CD 19.11.13
supercodex is the final album of the ryoji ikedas trilogy on raster-noton since 2005
R-N 150
Raster Noton
out of stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 30.09.13
capsize recovery takes the listener on a ride through a very dark universe of gloomy sounds and atmospheres. the eight rather longish tracks of the album are characterized by senkings epic signature sounds - creepy hovering bass lines, clean and slowed down drums, paired with oscillating and sometimes fierce synth melodies and shots. with his extremely deep and dubby arrangements that explore the depths and abysses of bass heavy music, he again is able to create soundscapes that convey a subtle sense of unease or even fear, as if they were the soundtrack to a mysterious and disturbing film
R-N 152
Raster Noton
out of stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 02.04.13
uwe schmidt, aka atom heart, aka atom tm, aka senor coconut, ist ein meister der verschleierung und schier endloser musikalischer entwuerfe und verstrickungen. sein neuester streich hd ist gespickt mit einer illustren runde an freunden und mitstreitern wie jamie lidell (main vocals i love u), alva noto (additional programmings ich bin meine maschine), marc behrens (additional programmings strom und my generation), jean charles vandermynsbrugge (main vocals pop hd), dominique depret (guitars) und jorge gonzalez (backing vocals, guitar und bass).
Raster CDR 147
Raster Noton
out of stock
12.28 EUR *
CD 29.01.09
Raster CDR 099
out of stock
11.46 EUR *
* All prices are including 0% VAT excl. shipping costs.