have you ever been >motorcitysouled<? matthias vogt and christian >c-rock< rindermann form the deephouse syndicate motorcitysoul. after their debut (did you expect it? / infracom 2004), their mix-cd (back up / infracom 2007), and their last studio album (technique / simple 2008) the two djs and producers present their first selection of remixes that have been released between 2004 and 2010. the >remix< is one of their favourite dishes so its no wonder that more than 30 artists or labels have asked for a motorcitysoul remix treatment since the duo joined forces in 2004. all of their remixes have been regarded as high quality by the media and djs worldwide. so far artists like chez damier, ian pooley, abdullah ibrahim, brett johnson, solomun & stimming, and johannes heil have ordered the extra motorcitysoul polish. motorcitysoul remixes have found their way to labels like cocoon, dessous, freerange, liebedetail and junior boys own/defected. creating a remix is a versatile production practice built around various philosophies - what is the remix meant for? how should it sound? should it be an addition for the club heads or a musical adventure that takes the listener on a journey? every motorcitysoul remix has its own vibe and is meant to respect the idea behind the original track. motorcitysoul merge their trademark sounds and styles with the original track. vogt and rindermann communicate in a musical way with the original artist.