You re still not taking yourself seriously.On the journey to discover new tracks you trip over a few disco-balls, find an irresistable melody, dance briefly with ABBA, are trapped by chic, free yourself and then also rob them/it (???) of a super-bassline. Next you travel to the outskirts of Berlin to dowse for / apply the divining rod to find fresh, unused talent. The discovery responds to the name c.l.i.c. and turns a discohymne into a little rave-monster. Now add to the whole made-up story the fact that you leave the remixing to an old friend. He makes a >6am, the sun rising, tickling your nose and making you scream< track out of it. The name of the mysterious unknown: Oliver Koletzki. Conclusion: You re still not taking yourself seriously. Why should you? >FitzelKrtschBungBritzelBratzel< is just ruling everything. A counter-design is urgently needed. The world s serious enough