>If I Am The One – Then Ill Be The One!< There is absolutely no reason for false modesty as far as Hamburgs currently irresistible DJ weapon is concerned. The 26 year old, Moscow born Xenia Beliayeva has had regular releases since 1996 and since her >Kill Them All<-nights in the Hamburg Gum Club, in which she regularly introduces her own lyrics, she is known as one of the hottest insider tips for German DJs. After Xenia included an incomparably sensual component in her celebrated >ultra glamour EP< last summer, she also showed her remixing skills, as the first producer of the Datapunk platform, together with her co-producer Andre Winter aka Motion Unit (Confused Rec) recently in Datapunk Limited with >Dont Worry<-Remix the Rotherschen Super Space Model-Hits. >Hellraiser< perhaps the most compellingly exclusive track on the Play! 01-Mix-CD released by Oliver Huntemann only a few weeks ago, will finally be available on vinyl