X.L.R.8.R. is the new sister label of Marc O Tools Mauritius imprint, which has grown from strength to strength with genre-uniting and boarder-breaking dancefloor weapons such as Criss Source >Hugs n kisses, Marc O Tool >The Sinner In Me< and diverse releases from Ballroom, Marc Vision & Björn Mandry. As the name suggests, the labels focus is on acceleration and so will be devoted to technoid and darker music - driving engines strictly designed for burning on the floor. Its the techno face of the Mauritius camp, so to say! The label premiere comes from label honcho Marc O Tool himself joining forces with his long-term companion and brother in crime Criss Source. Their opener >Showtime< kick-starts the label and perfectly shows what to expect from X.L.R.8.R. in the future! And if that s not enough acceleration yet, check the pounding >Indigo< on the flip