support by Gregor Tresher, Mathias Kaden, Reboot, Vera, D julz, Raresh, Federico Molinari, Dorian Paic… Moon Harbour stays international with their 40th release. This time with the focus on the vibrant French club scene. Alexis Bernard aka Seuil has already been releasing a bunch of groundbreaking EPs on labels like Minibar, Einmaleins or Freak N Chic since 2006. This year he founded his own label called Eklo with such hi-class acts as Lauhaus and Miss Fitz. For his first EP on Moon Harbour Recordings he presents 3 top notch house tracks with profound melodies and cleverly layered rhythms. >Double Room< consists of subtle sounds and a very likable vocal sample - driving with a high dose of funk! >She Percs Me< on the flipside is a bit more straight. Percussive rhythms and playful licks perfectly display Seuils musically advanced ideas. Last but not least and a bit more on the relaxed side we have >No Time For Love<. A shy piano works its way through the track and makes it a perfect tune for some real late night magic.
Played by: Karotte, Luciano, Shlomi Aber,Raresh,Tom Clark,Kabale & Liebe,Nick Curley, Jesse Rose and many more...