Enigmatic producer Kaºpar delivers 4 tracks which vary from punchy electronics to breezy house. First track, In the club comes in a wicked Gerd remix and moves forward with a driving, deep bassline aided and abetted by punchy drums, fluttering Rhodes and Kaspar & his friends tripping, stoned & abstract vocals. It s an 6 minute opus which navigates a shifting array of predominantly instrumental passages, featuring some fine solos and never tiring before its sudden end. House of Cards and Calvary centre themselves much more on Kaºpar s versatile ability to create pumping house that leans to the New York sound and float between house, jazz and soul. The whole affair plots a course through a constellation of styles suitable for both home listening as well as dj-play. This is HOUSE, not the lazy off the peg kind, but music which lives up to its name!