NYCs Adultnapper hardly ever lets his foot off the gas… and this is no exception! Straight back into the driving seat and ready to roll with his next EP for Poker Flat Recordings, Slowly is a typically spooked out 2 tracker from the East Coasts master of the dark and funky arts…. Lead track Slowly is full of the type of crazy textural soundscapes that have become synonymous with Adultnappers bass infected sound. Winding, twirling cables and messed up electronic whir away in the background as a stoic kick-led percussion array works the funk. Jazz influenced hooks, sultry vocals and horns-a-plenty, it all makes for an incredible workout! Gold and Forgetting is a touch more mysterious, with a floating Chicago-esque synth theme at its tender heart. Of course Mr. Napper still piles on the funk, and this amazing afterhours anthem to be wins us over hands down. Emotional strings swathe by over a meandering 9 minutes of pure and precious metallic sheen