a major global player in all things futuristic disco Prins Thomas Internasjonal imprint is further branching out and diversifying with its brand new spanking series INTERNASJONAL SPESIAL. the a-side sees the proven and tested multi-national team of Reykjavik born HOLMAR FILIPSON of Thugfucker and Crack & Speed fame and NY party veteran ULYSEES ( one half of Neurotic Drum Band ) pushing the agenda of joining the dots globally with the soon-to-be-classic emotive eletronic disco cut Escape from New York . Starting out as a leisurely paced electro boogie cut with sentimental string chords, additional e-guitar loops and haunting synth noises leak in a dark 80 s pop sensibility a la My Bloody Valentine. Also the b-side by Valentinoland - Holmar Filipsson partnering this time with Arni runar Hlodversson of FM Belfast fame - is nothing short of truely exceptional but more on the dulcet side with a gut-wrenching string-lead melody in classic balearic sunset style.