Rising out of Helsinkis local electro-pop-punk scene in 2007, sisters Emma and Mia Kemppainens musical vehicle LCMDF (Le Corps Mince de Fran coise) was quickly picked up by blog gers and music fans across the globe. Their incred ibly vibrant, left field pop gained them count less fans, earn ing them the top spot on the Hype Machine, out-ranking even Kanye West.
Since see ing the band’s first ever UK show, Heav enly have wanted to work with the band. Fol low ing them from their early shows the label trav elled to gigs in Oslo and Trond heim, Nor way and their homet own of Hel sinki where they played a sold out night to 600 fans jump ing off the walls. They left the show determ ined to sign them. A year later with their debut album recor ded the band is set to release their debut single ‘Gandhi’ as a free down load on November 29th.
‘Gandhi’ re-imagines Sean Ryder’s skewed pop vis ion, but sung by Nor dic sirens who cut their teeth listen ing to every one from the Beastie Boys to Gaga whilst get ting lost in Ghost World. It’s as imme di ate and access ible as it is dazzlingly unique.
In keep ing with their Dance music and Pop her it age, Heav enly say of their newest sign ing “the band hold true the qual it ies of the bands we love: con vic tion, tunes & a love of POP”
Cur rently put ting the fin ish ing touches to their debut album ‘LOVE & NATURE’, pro duced by Kaiku Stu dios in Ber lin, the band are soon set to unleash their songs and ebul li ent live per form ances on Europe this winter. One thing is for cer tain: LCMDF won’t remain a best-kept-secret for much longer.
Hav ing played at some of Europe’s biggest fest ivals includ ing Melt!, Low lands, Pukkel pop, Ice land Air waves and the Ber lin Fest ival, LCMDF play a series of UK shows this Novem ber around “Gandhi’s’ release.