Both taken from the forthcoming Duffstep album >Getting To Sirius<, >Your Touch< and >Backseat< are original Duffstep tracks given a cosmic make over by Duff Disco. They are proper modern disco music that sits just the right side of funky, without conjuring images of fluffy boots and spiky hair, white shirts and fake tan. Whilst Backseat is the more euphoric of the two Your Touch is more moody than an emo teenager watching Twighlight. Both obviously Duff Disco but somehow keeping the family together as Duffsteps finger prints are all over these too.
Like the joining of ancient clans or the marriage of Marie Antoinette to Louis of France the joining of the Duff brothers is something of a historical milestone. Since birth the Duffs have gone their separate ways, one getting down on the worlds hipper dancefloors, hipsawiggling, head thrown back in rapture and all under a spinning disco ball. The other brother the troubled teen, hood up, eyes down, bass rumbling, one time selecta. Imagine then two estranged brothers, born from the same seed living awkwardly side by side, never entirely comfortable in each other’s company finally uniting on one massive inbred slab of sonic harmony. If you can imagine that slightly cack-handed analogy then that is pretty much what you get here. After a year of huge edits and original material Duff Disco has finally gone and had a fiddle with his brother?