Next up on Deep Vibes comes Sascha Dive with his killer remixes of Matthew Dears >Little People (Black City)<. Originally released on Spectral Sound (SPC 101) as a digital-only package a vinyl edition had to follow due to public demand. For maximum sound quality the 20 minute version got shortened to a 15 minute >Vinyl Cut< (A1), while the >Dub Remix< comes in its original form on the flip-side (B1). Sascha Dive and Matthew Dear met on the road a few years back. In 2008 Matthew Dear featured a remix by the Deep Vibes boss on his Watergate Mix-Compliation. When they played together in Munich in August 2010 Dear asked Dive, if he wanted to do a remix for his upcoming album. The only condition Dear asked him for was that it had to be the wildest and most crazy remix that Dive could possibly do. Little People (Black City) is the probably strongest song of Matthew Dears recently released Album Black City. Sascha Dives remixes are on heavy rotation and played by a wide range of DJs. Make sure you get this joint in the box!