After the very well-received work >in g< borngräber & strüver have not been resting on their laurels but made >Reise< (journey). They extended the concept of >21th century electro motoric kraut< on the new album >Urlaub< and added their preference for disco music. Like a friend of the label said: >Reise – sounds like a composition for the 20th birthday of Carl Craigs Planet E<. borngräber & strüver have consistently worked on developing their minimalist compositions without taking into consideration conventions. The nearly 17-minute >Reise< that starts extremely held back, grows into a groovy trip you can hardly escape. >berlin tribal music< has a radically minimalist approach and a surprising break like a portal to a parallel dimension. The last part of the album >dancing queen< has nothing to do with ABBA. The piece is a missing link between electronic h-pop and groovy club sounds.