I fight myself to sleep, my eyelids, heartbeats are lead weights of despair and sor-rows. The years disappeared within loneliness. to manage staying alive I keep my visions to myself. You were once my friend, a sinister. The Sinister composition was written by Par Grindvik during 2009 and 2010. Writing Sinister was part of a healing process. The original Sinister was never meant to be released - and it will probably never be. However, in 2010 Par came up with the idea of handing out parts from the original, to a few of his friends, and to release different interpretations derived from these parts. The new interpretations would mark the beginning of a new label project cal¬led Sinister. Next to Par’s own rework of the original, you will find the following interpretations. Samuel L Session (Klap Klap, Music Man, Soma, Be As One), S100 (Stockholm LTD), Gary Beck (Minus, Soma, Saved), Staffan Linzatti (Stockholm LTD, Searchlights), Jesper Dahlbäck (ISL, Drumcode, H-prod)