Dont we all feel suspended in time sometimes? The older you get the more difficult it becomes tofollow a straight time line through your past. Some years felt really long and some others didnt andespecially when you think about your childhood, time seems to be something pretty vague. But that makes life so special from time to time, the million ways of feeling how time passes by. The fact that our time is limited, is probably the biggest impulsion we have. Without an impulsion to do, change or create something, life would be pretty boring. So smoke some nice icegrass, play this shit loud and get suspended in time! Peace
Anthony Shake Shakir
icegrass works for me. it is off and on at the same time, i like that
Laurent Garnier
awesome music . thanks
Loco Dice
As usual DOPE !
Tobi Neumann
dub-techno tradition, i like!
full minga support!!!!!
sick techno!
Franco Cinelli
This is Brillant !! love it !!, Thanks
Dave Vega
loving icegrass big time...
Ed Davenport
really fantastic ep from andres-a producer im always excited to hear new music from.
love his smooth synths and crisp style. thanks x
Jonas Kopp
In my chart this month!
Mark Henning
impulsion is great!
Brendon Moeller
impulsion is lovely!
Hot hot hot, love both tracks!
Alland Byallo
I love it!
Franklin De Costa
icegrass is great. will play.
Philip Sherburne
ooh, that's really nice....
love the sound of the synths and the spongy, springy quality to the mix.
Nikola Baytala
great label very lil louis style
Amazing stuff from Zacco and Ilian as always!
Really,really like the Icegrass track.
Very excited to play this one out! Thank you!
Thomas Mueller
good vibe, my fav is impulsion, it remember me alexander kowalski
impulsion is beautiful. will play over summer. thanks for this
Nice EP. always Zacco, i will play sure.. thanks
Roberto Q. Ingram
As Ilian Tape moves forward and so does the sound.
Huge release here. Full Support, Roberto
Jorge Savoretti
great release! very special tracks...
Powerful, deep & unique! Huge Record!
Imugem Orihasam
Icegrass is good for me.
great debut, mr zacco! icegrass is my fav..