Supported by: Dubfire, Nic Fanciulli, Audiofly, Gregor Tresher, Martin Eyerer, Karotte, Anthiny Collins, Julietta, Tiefschwarz, Meat, Andrew Grant, Paco Osuna, Nick Curly, Robert Dietz, Martinez, Enzo Siragusa, Federico Molinari, Jose Belo, Jose Maria Ramon, Julien Chaptal, Arado, Raresh, Kabale Und Liebe, Martin Landsky, Simon Flower, DJ T, DJ W!ld, Anja Schneider, Slam, Ralph Kollmann.
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Adam Port’s background as a techno and house producer
eschews many house music clichés, with his first musical
influences actually coming from the hardcore scene of the
east coast metropolises of the USA. Along with his straightedge
lifestyle, hip hop was also a crucial part of his life and
which led to him learning to spin records. Fortunately for us
he found his way to electronic music and especially to
house music, otherwise the scene would be without a very
talented musician.
On his Moon Harbour debut, his ability in creative sampling
comes to the fore. The central theme of “Basement” is the
drum loop, which in spite of its simplicity keeps the track
vibrant and organic. Daniel Wilde’s vocals add a haunting
atmosphere and characterise many of Port’s tracks.
Together you can just feel the dark but enthusiastic vibes of
techno basement parties.
In his remix Moon Harbour label-boss Matthias Tanzmann
places less importance on the drum loop and concentrates
more on small and detailed effects without abandoning his
trademark dry and reduced funk.
The track “Tell you” delivers a crazy disco jam, highly
polished with piano and drum loops and a vocal sample as
sweet as candy - catchy without being cheesy.