Charted by Ernesto Ferreyra. This ep is inspired by an egg dropping contest that was held at the hotel vancouver when i was a kid. all maner of apparatus were designed to help the eggs land safely after falling the 17 floors. all failed but one. parachutes malfunctioned. ballons drifted into obstructions. wings collasped. the winner: a jar of molasses. the egg was pushed into the center of a large jar full of the thick liquid and the jar was thrown over the side. the jar broke on the street below leaving the egg safe and sticky. I was once told that all jokes come from prison. i often think of those doing time while trying to remember some play on words like - whats the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom?..... - though that is one of redd foxxs gems i have a new joke i have yet to use - upon exiting a bathroom, regardless of its particular plumbing, tell the owner that you think their bidet is broken