Ultraschall is an homage to the first big techno club in Munich. The owners of Harry Klein were part of the old Ultraschall, which has a unique legendary status nowa¬days. The older generation in particular often long for the good old days. Yes those times shouldnt be forgotten, especially not in terms of sound, but its also important to move on and attempt new things. Like supporting vinyl, going to a who¬lefood shop or ending war. Ok that might sound like a bro¬ken record, but how about spending less time on Facebook and actually with your friends, cooking for your parents or organizing a break dance battle in your backyard? Daniel takes us on a journey through the past and back to the future again. A charming mixture of laid-back grooves combined with some rough n ready rave moments make this a rapturous trip, no matter what time it is. Track names are a really interesting element of music. Some artists dont care about them at all and call their tracks a1 or something non-descript. Yet many titles can be really funny, others made up words, and some corre¬spond to current events or times. Some just really fit the sound. If you lose something, in general its a pretty nasty and unsettling feeling. But you have to deal with bad luck when it strikes. Losing something can teach you an im¬portant lesson, or simply show you what it means to be unfortunate and down. Not knowing the lows as well as the highs wont allow you to evaluate life very well. Most important is to really feel and be yourself, despite the ups and downs.