Exceptional debut album!!early support by Groove Magazine, Resident Advisor, Oliver Hafenbauer, Gerd Janson, Lawrence more to come.. Sometimes things in life never occur as planned. So it happend to Edward aka. Gilles Aiken, when the berlinbased artist was looking for a new apartment. Somehow he found himself moving to a very small fairy tale-like village called Teupitz in Brandenburg, Germany. It was there were Edward rediccovered his deep love for nature and silence. With long extensive walks along the Teupitzer lake he got to the bottom of his true love for house music. Within the silence he could still hear a distant pulse of basslines ringing. And after release for Giegling, Blooming Soul and WHITE it was time to make the next step. With all the nature surrounding him, he finally felt able to get all the music out. Music which ended up as his debut album, simply called Teupitz