The debut 12 inch by electronic diviner Secret Circuit - aka Eddie Ruscha (also of Laughing Light of Plenty & Food of the Gods) - is now the physical property of earths people. On >Nebula Sphynx< analog synths & sequencers burn deep like a tincture of jack house and ham-fisted experimental attack music. The track features special guest circuit Cole MGN (The Samps, Nite Jewel), who gives the >Sphynx< an extra crispy, cosmic crunch. Ruscha keeps the meters peaking on >Parascopic Rope< with randy drum machine blasts and Casio SK-wanderings. Each 12 inch from Beats in Space features original artwork in considerate & serial form. BIS002 12 inch features artwork by CF (aka - Providence-based artist Christopher Forgues), purveyor the Powr Mastrs comic book epic and a finely-tweaked & tuned in dude.