The story begins somewhere far away from awareness and rational thought. Our main characters plays the roles of lost but not aimless arrows of pictures. Pictures made out of sub atomic movements, amplified through breathable air and finally fragmenting its energy into space. We see the the sun go down in the ocean, the purple and red colors and finally the majestic sight of whales plowing the water in the horizon. It has been many years, in fact, so many years that we are now back again to the same point time. It is like an infinite loop, never loosing pace and determination.
Our characters is gathering on the beach, trying to find a place to rest but gets sucked right back in to a machine and then gets spit out again. The machine is a box, standing right in the sand, tirelessly pushing and pulling molecules back and forth. Our characters tries to withstand the pressure, making small rallies in different directions, like stupid soldiers without guns. Later, moon shows up with its happy smile. The war goes on. No prisoners taken. Suddenly, somebody points to the sky. Dawn arrives and the beach becomes calm for a while. It's epic.