Ambareesh invites you into a paradoxical fusion of murky sound that pushes boundaries beyond banality. The juxtaposed *Emotionless sensitivity* penetrates the senses creating a canal for deep sensitivity that runs contrary to indifference. Between the rugged, jagged appearance lay the intricate essence of hidden quality as tracks reveal provoking denotation. *Illusion* reveals the deep trudging that cuts through the whipping vibe. *Bipolar nervous system* brings a sense of suffocation as the tormenting tandem of fragmented sound haunts the solar plexus. *Walking through sand dunes* is a carefully constructed piece, stimulating successive pulsation as frightful ambience permeates. Virile, cagey crawling sensations infuse as Ambareesh concludes with *Dehydrated*, a hollow, sterile piece of synthetic techno. This second EP by Ambareesh on Amba Amba Records is truly a careful union of tumultuous sound, provoking rowdy sensation that stimulates visceral response.