Following the success of the digital release of Sleazy McQueens *You Know How EP*, upstart label, CVMR were compelled to press the remixes to vinyl. The proceedings open in superb style thanks to The Revenges Live Dub. A bass heavy tool with equal parts classic house and disco, with a touch of Arthur Baker-style drums. On A2, Sleazy McQueens Space Coast take things to the basement with the help of Romano Arcaini (Latenight Society), warm rhodes, live bass and an absolute drum-break-freakout add a decidedly different dub flavor to the package. B/W Compost Blacks main man Kasper Bjorke offers his acid tinged interpretation, driven by a gritty saw-wave bass hook, rolling snare hits, wanderings arps and crunchy drums, a simply stunning piece of music as expected from the undeniably talented Copenhagen born producer. Closing out the remix EP, CVMR in-house producer, Century strips back the vibe to a dropped tempo, emotive workout fuelled be heavily reverberated piano chords, echoing vocal lines and a general chuggy, low-slung vibe throughout.