Dear wanderer, Ramona is happy to present The Video Dead, Chinaski s debut-EP for Live At Robert Johnson. Originally hailing from the high north of Germany, Rostock near the rough and stormy sea, the young man with interests in 80s video-aesthetics and vintage synthesizers is now calling Offenbach his hometurf. Chinaskis EP starts out with Time To Kill, a straight forward hypnotizing jacker directly heading to the synthesized happiness. Midnight Workout features a different side to the young talent sensitive placed synth harmonies packed in a vintage-pop interlude. After a journey through more harmonious domains, Night School turns the page again and picks up on those synth-waves and put Ramona away from her calm drive through the midnight heat, right on the dancefloor mesmerizing analogue deep housevibes all over the place.Hide Society steps out of context and mixes Chinaskis affection for the warmth of these marvelous synth-sounds with trippy post-breaking or even proto-hiphop sounds topped off with a weird vocal sample. The titletrack The Video Dead summons all emotional power Ramona could implant into a synthesizer, the heartbeat like reduced kick-drum and hihats floating around the track are mostly incidental or not even there for the ears. Purely visual.