the lifesaver 3 compilation, the yet most comprehensive package of the lifesaver history, sounds like electro, sharp-edged like the vault in a hague bunker (lauer), provides data pop with piano crescendo (fort romeau), brings the style characteristics of german schlager music to the breakdance mat (rolande garros), lets the bulky lily-of-the-valley bells clang and sends the reverb tails away with the wind (benedikt frey). there are several new names to discover: felix strahd, benjamin milz, vincent feit, and of course there a many old acquaintances: massimiliano pagliara, orson wells, tcb, chinaski. roman flügel brings us “good news”, however: “from another planet.” and fort romeau feels “lost, again”, but in such somnambulistically beautiful manner that you want to get lost with him instantly and jointly find the great joy.