12 Inch
Weekend Circuit stride on with the second part of P.E.A.R.L.s Desolation EP welcoming Francois X, Reeko, I/Y and Jeff Rushin to this series of remixes, servicing the generation with every bit of expansive energy techno music has to offer.
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Francois X’s remix of ‘In Space' architectures raw, artificial, and flat-out production with gritty realism and brutal drum sequencing. Taking the original and making it his own, externally imposing in on itself, this peak time pattern leaves you energised and hectic.
Reeko takes on the title track ’Desolation’, the result is plagued with atmosphere; stripping, capturing and examines you before you have chance to do so to it. The tracks estranged essence and amalgam of sound is immediately apparent. It has you uncertain and poised for more, pulsating with darkness at every turn.
I/Y's 'Reduction' reduces nothing of the sort, constantly fluxing between varying percussion types of both hi and low energy. Considering nothing more than to possess you with filter laden drum pads and a stark reality, IY have created a hypnotic vision of creative compulsion that'll have you dance yourself silly.
Rushin delivers his sonic canvas of sound; every bit his own, this original piece of production magnifies any opportunity to cause dancefloor commotion. Emphatically crafted, this thought proving and thunderously loud and vivid record will keep you exhilarated from start to finish.
Transcending life's problems in to nothing, Techno does what Techno does, and Weekend Circuit does what it can to support. Impeccably produced, this second coming of sound is a sonic ambition that'll nail you to the wall, and stick as memorable stuff; an absolute MUST for any techno enthusiast.