Who is DJ Fett Birger?? It’s DJ Fett Burger, stupid. Geography Records straight outta Malmö, Sverige has awoken. Please make room in your record collection for more stupid stuff from Sweden’s third biggest city, home of great falafel and bad clubs. Our fat friend from Moss, Norge takes some parts from Shakarchi & Stranéus eternal 2013 hit single ”Either Way” (GEO 005) and turns it into a dreamy cheese-pop track ready for full, half-full and really empty dance floors. On the flip side the Burg’ teams up with underground Finnish talent Stiletti Ana for a literal take on the SNL quote ”more cowbell”. Please play it loud. For the third side of this single record release, Burga’ Fett flangs it out with a US style bonus beats, strictly for the DJs! With this, you can play our record with an even nicer record on top! Also perfect for shout outs, birthday wishes during sets or when you’re just really tired of melody and bass. All in all, a solid three track release to make it up to you that we forgot to release a record in like 1.5 years. Sorry about that. GEO 008 is already done, so don’t worry it wont be long until the next one! Regards, Adam & Oscar