Its not often you hear a techno record produced by a total of five people. When it happens, it’s usually to mark a passage and make a statement. Sometimes it is a matter of celebrating a rita of passage, a shift into maturity and the embodiment of a new skin. This is what Repitch is doing with the fourth and final installment in their “Features” series, reuniting all the crew for the the final blast of what’s been a long and massive barrage of heavy techno. This is the collaboration to end them all: repitch founders Ascion, D. Carbone and Shapenoise have shared the studio with longtime allies AnD. Together, they explore a common ground made of pounding metallic percussions, gutwrenching bass and thick, furious grooves, with each producer bringing his own peculiar contributions to the table. This last installment marks the end of a process that accompanied Repitch throughout its whole existence, thus enhancing the beginning of a new chapter in the label’s creative output.