Adding to previous 12“es on Ostgut Ton and his own RK label fellow Neuköllner and Berghain resident Kobosil offers four new uncompromising Techno club tools. While all cuts on the 105 release share filthy, stone-cold, elemental rhythms – pounding, energetic and hypnotic 4/4 kick drum slaps – the devil is, like with all Kobosil productions, in the aesthetic details. “40000 L” uses gargling synth patterns and howling horns to dramatic effect, “Bei Nacht H (178)” contrasts the kick with a harsh, tinny drumbeat and menacing melody pad, creating a nightmarish vibe. “Backmask N” on B1 offers heavily alienated vocal samples alongside rave-reminiscing synth stabs and staggered hi-hat percussion. “Derange” closes this four-tracker with grainy drone echoes and throbbing, sizzling synth pulses. Adding to Kobosil’s full-floor-focussed sonic repertoire 105 shows him from his darkest and most vigorous side yet – this 12“ is a brute, in the most positive sense.