A tripped-out batch of hard jamming tracks from ex-Mutante Rita Lee – recorded with assistance from all the members of the group at the time, but in a mode that’s quite different overall! Lee is clearly the star of the show here – singing all lyrics with a much fiercer vocal approach than on her earlier solo album – pushing things hard to keep up with the jamming keyboards of Arnaldo Baptista and guitar of Sergio Dias – both of whom are working with the energy that would show up in the Mutantes styles in the years after Lee departed. One of the most compelling aspects of the record is the structure of the tunes – less conventionally rockish overall than the direction Os Mutantes were moving towards – and still with that strong dramatic flair that Lee always provided when in the group. Titles include -Vamos Tratar Da Saude-, -Amor Branco E Preto-, -Superficie Do Planeta-, -Teimoisia-, -Tapupukitipa-, -Beija Me Amor-, and -Frique Como-.