Seven years ago, Unbalance created his own label as a base for his musical ideas, a platform to play around with the conception of what -techno- is and would be alongside his own creative progression. Come to present day and the label is now at its ninth release, reaching a point where the line of accumulated experiences must be drawn in the sand — and the experiences of previous projects and releases lead to venerable conclusion. Enter Ten, an album of internalized strife that was created during a period of big changes in the artist s life. Between enduring personal experiences, his creative output veering between his straightforward club eccentricities and subdural sensibilities, Unbalance cultivates a symbiotic link between sounds played and sounds portrayed — whilst paying tribute to the essence of groove, vibration and the hypnotic unknown that exists to balance the scales. This album will be the final point in the label s journey into the depths of multifaceted techno music.