FRAK – Grown up Guests Like a DIY brick-shithouse FRAK feel like they are preparing for some nasty. Kicking off the track with some serious drums. Eerie synth lines and creepy bass pads lend for a slightly deranged and unsettling feel. There is a strange air about this track. Tuff snares kick in that galvanise and ready the troops. The strange difference between the everyday title and the militant feel of the track makes for interesting concoction. Its like a bunch of psychos preparing for a dinner party. Sweeping the floor and combing their hair to precision. The house might look nice and the cake might be delicious, but these guys psychos. Jack Pattern – Kernkraft Kernkraft translates as Nuclear Power and from the outset reverberating sequences visualise a bleak working environment. Mechanical sequences rotate. Clouds of sparking particles swirl overhead menacingly. A kick drum stumbles into actions, the machine has powered up. Cold hi-hats shimmer, and hollow synths give the feel of some sort of labouring workforce continuing their daily grind. This doesn t feel like a nice environment to live in and reflects the reality of some peoples everyday life. Living to work for the greater good and sacrificing their lives in the process. It is a powerful piece. Strong, monotonous and mechanical.