Tokyo tag-team Kei and Nagi Sugano, aka Dazzle Drums, have been responsible for secret weapons in the bags of some of the finest DJs since their debut in 2005. In addition to supporting Danny Krivit each time he plays in Tokyo, the duo periodically floats him exclusive edits to test out during his expansive sets. Two of these in particular have become regular features on M. K s dance floors, and it is these prime choices that have been selected for the latest release on Most Excellent Unlimited. -Brothers Gonna Work It Out- takes the cinematic soul classic and toughens it up with a propulsive drum track and immaculate editing to extend and energize the already powerful tune. -Get Down Boy- is a relentlessly driving disco cut whose dramatic synth-and-string heavy instrumentation provides a plush bed for seductive female vocals before giving way to a tremendous bass break that is certain to leave dancers in a sweat. Reverently mastered and spread over a wide-grooved 12-inch single, it s another MEU sure-shot.